Poe Society Membership Information


The Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore; Organized 1923, Incorporated 1946

This non-profit, incorporated society exists primarily to:

  • provide for the annual public lecture, given by an outstanding Poe scholar, in recognition of Poe’s contributions to American and World literature. (When circumstances permit, this lecture is published by the Poe Society, in cooperation with the University of Baltimore.)
  • cherish the associations of Poe and Baltimore.
  • improve understanding of Poe’s life and his writings by study, publication and by replying to queries from members and other interested individuals. (We also, now, maintain this Web Page.)

Persons interested in supporting the efforts of the Poe Society are urged to become members. The membership year is from October of the current year to September of the following year. An annual mailing is sent to all active members in late summer. (Members joining after December may be carried into the next membership year without renewal.) Make check or money order payable to: “E. A. Poe Society” and send to Poe Society Contact

  • Student Member.........: $2.00 per person, per year (available for US domestic members only)
  • Regular Member.........: $5.00 per person, per year (available for US domestic members only)
  • Sustaining Member.....: $8.00 per person, per year

(And in response to a very commonly asked question, there is no particular distinction between the levels other than the amount of support you wish to provide.)

Additional donations are always welcome. If you require an acknowledgment of your contributions for your records, please enclose a S.A.S.E.



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