Text: Edgar Allan Poe, “To Mrs. M. L. S.” (Text-01), “Shew” manuscript, February 14, 1847


TO MRS. M. L. S.

Of all who hail thy presence as the morning —

Of all to whom thy absence is the night —

The blotting utterly from out high heaven

The sacred sun — of all who, weeping, bless thee

Hourly for hope — for life — ah! above all,

For the resurrection of deep-buried faith

In Truth — in Virtue — in Humanity —

Of all who, on Despair's unhallowed bed

Laying them down to die, have suddenly risen

At thy soft-murmured words, “Let there be light!”

At the soft-murmured words that were fulfilled

In the seraphic glancing of thine eyes —

Of all who owe thee most — whose gratitude

Nearest approaches worship — oh, remember

The truest — the most fervently devoted,

And think that these weak lines are written by him —

By him who, as he pens them, thrills to think

His spirit is communing with an angel's.



“Mrs. M. L. S.” was Mrs. Marie Louise Shew, Poe's friend and Virginia's nurse. Later, she was Mrs. Houghton.


[S:0 - MS, 1847] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Poems - To M. L. S —— (Text-01)