Text: Burton R. Pollin, “Index M-Z,” The Collected Writings of Edgar Allan PoeVol. II: The Brevities (1985), Index M-Z (This material is protected by copyright)



Each index item listed below is followed by a series of letters and numbers that indicate the article to which reference is being made. The letters stand for the section of the Brevities in which the item is found and within that section the articles are numbered consecutively. Pin stands for Pinakidia, M for Marginalia, SP for Supplementary Pinakidia, LST for Literary Small Talk, CS for A Chapter of Suggestions, FS for Fifty Suggestions, and SM for Supplementary Marginalia.

Scroll down, or select letter:


M——: see Mathews, Cornelius

Macaulay, Thomas: cited, M 61, M 181, M 221; as critic, M 92, FS 33, SM l; his essays as source, M 125, M 141, M 163, M 288; essay on Bacon cited, CS 11; imitated by critics, FS 50

Macbeth: Enslen's optical projection in banquet scene, Pin 7

Machiavelli, N.: Castruccio comment, Pin Intro; cited, M 46

Macknight, J.: Harmony of the Four Gospels cited, M 14

McPherson, J.: “Ossian” cited, Pin 74, M 132

Macrobius: Saturnalia as source, Pin 43; Saturnalia cited, Pin 58, M 53

magazines: in England, dates of three given, M 88; in America, discussed for terseness, M 143, M 182

Magdalen Asylums: cited, M 14

“Maiden Hunting for her Fawn” (Marvell): quoted, SM 9

Malherbe: epigram upon picture of Saint Catherine, Pin 111

Malibran, M. F.: her success and early death, M 85

Malone, Edmond: his edition of Boswell's Johnson as source, Pin 30, Pin 95; his Hamlet edition as source, M 265, FS 9 man: reason in natural state, M 10; truthful nature of, M 31, as citizen of the universe, M 254

Man About Town (Webbe): excessive mannerism, M 67

Manasseh, Rabbi: The Hopes of Israel discussed, Pin 23

Mancur, J. H.: his tedious novel Palais Royal, M 129

La Manure de Bien Penser (Bouhours): cited, Pin 103, M 46 (see Bouhours)

mannerist: Southey's word applied to style, M 79, SM 2

Mantuanus: “De honesto amore” quoted, Pin 95, M 90

Marana, J. P.: Turkish Spy much copied, Pin 3, M 72

marginal note: nature discussed, M Intro

Marino, G. B.: his poem inspired Milton, SP 3

Marmontel: Encyclopidie on Italian comedy, Pin 34

Martin Faber (Simms): mentioned, M 113, M 173

Martorelli, Giacopo: his denial of ancient window glass disproved, SP 10

Marvell, Andrew: critique of his poem, SM 9

masks: in new comedy of Greece, Pin 118

masoretical punctuation: Jewish, Pin 73, Pin 169

mass mania: as in Abdera, M 3, M 165

Masson, M.: his novel decried, M 58

Materials for Thinking (Burden): mentioned, Pin Intro

Mathews, Anne: her book as a source, M 109

Mathews, Cornelius: derided, M 269, M 270, M 278, M 281, M 286, FS 18, FS 31, FS 40, FS 46

Mathias, T. J.: Pursuits of Literature plagiarized, M 100

St. Matthew: reference, M 109, M 143

meditation: effect on reverie, FS 3

Meker (or Mekerchus): his Latin work as source; also cited, M 146, M 264

Melancthon, P.: on Batrachomyomachia, Pin 131; his name really Hertz Schwartz, SP 25

Melanges (Suard): mentioned, Pin Intro

Meleager: death of, M 284

Mimoires de littirature (Sallengre): mentioned, Pin Intro; as source, Pin 134

“Mems”: see H. B. Wallace

Menage: epitaph on Sannazarius, Pin 87; his wit discussed, M 150a

Menander: compared with Aristophanes, Pin 121; in the Bible, SP 40

Mónard: lines on death quoted, Pin 45

Mennes, Sir John: Poems quoted, Pin 94

Mercier, S.: his L An 2440 cited for metempsychosis, Pin 89, M 59

Merlin, Countess of: her Memoirs of Malibran cited, M 85

“Mesmeric Revelation” (Poe): cited, M 130, M 200

mesmerism: in a convincing Poe tale, M 130; discussed skeptically, M 180; mentioned for reverie, CS 3

metaphors or similes: as germ ideas in writing, SM 16

metaphysics: etymology of, Pin 157, M 38; discussed, M 38

Metastasio: name really Trapaso, SP 25

meter: imitation of classical, M 84; English efforts, M 133; article on, by Bristed, M 191

Metternich: cited, M 60

Meyer, Leopold de (or von): mocked as “spasmodist,” M 271

Michelangelo: reference to Hawthorne borrowing, M 79

“Midnight Mass” (Longfellow): plagiarized from Tennyson, M 138

Mill, John Stuart: mentioned, M Intro; as logician, M 63, M 124

Milton: his Adam inspired by Andreini's Adam, Pin 35; a Pope borrowing, Pin 36, M 139A; his use of Spenser, Pin 67; Paradise Lost cited, Pin 76; Pin 92, M 139A, SP 3, SP 20, SP 34; a T. Gray borrowing, Pin 92, M 139A; Samson Agonistes as source, Pin 138; Gomus quoted, M 41; Comus in Longfellow's poem, M 138; as possible source of a phrase, M 197

mind: relation to skull size, Pin 115; center of sensation, FS 7

Mirabeau, Honore: cited, M 250, FS 8

Mirror, (N. Y.): as source, M 3

Miserrimus (Reynolds): cited, M 113, M 205

Misopogon (Emperor Julian): commented on, SP 30

mob: shift in their credulity, M 108; their thoughtless action, M 232 ; M 226

Moi of Medea (Corneille): cited, Pin 5

Moliere: cited, Pin 31

money: American worship of, M 228

money, Hebrew: cited, Pin 162, Pin 168

money-pouches: long ones in style, FS 15

Money (Bulwer): mentioned, M 221

Montagu, Lady Mary: cited, M 109

Montaigne: on writing as stimulus to thought, M 150, M 277

Montesini: on South American Jews, Pin 23

Montesquieu: Persian Letters similar to Turkish Spy, Pin 3, M 72; mentioned, M Intro

Montfleury, Z. J.: “died” from Racine's play, M 135

Montgomery, J.: quoted on Eastern Tales, Pin 27; Lectures as source, Pin 27, Pin 73, Pin 74, Pin 75, Pin 76, Pin 77, M 132, M 133, SP 18; on Ossian, Pin 74, M 132; Lectures on Literature worthless, M 19; his Wanderer is contemptible, M 83

Montgomery, Robert: epics of, M 2; linked with James Montgomery, M 19, M 83; quoted, SP 24

Monthly Magazine: as source, M 96

Monthly Recorder: cited, M 88

Monthly Register: its ludicrous praise of a novel, M 83; plagiarism quoted, M 100

Moore, Thomas: ornaments a prose tale, M 42; his short poems mentioned, M 202; prosaic style, M 218; Lalla Rookh as source, FS 6; as a fanciful poet, FS 41, SM 4; an undervalued writer, SM 17

morality: literary, M 217, FS 19; no path to worldly success, M 235

Morals (Aristotle): comment, Pin 157

More, Dr. Henry: quoted, M 180

Morgan, Lady: Italy as source, M 170

Morning Post (London): disbelieves truth of “Mesmeric Revelation,” M 200

Morris, George P.: best writer of songs, M 202

Mort de Gesar (Voltaire): quoted, Pin 124, M 120

Morte dArthur (Tennyson): cited, M 44

Moses: account of Deluge, Pin 60; his reference to God, M 55

motto, U. S.: reference to Pythagoras’ definition of beauty, M 127

Mozart, W. A.: humble anecdote given, M 271

Muller, J. G. A.: cited, M 71

Murchison, Roger: mentioned, M Intro

Murray, L.: as rule-giver to poets, FS 33

music: its effect, M 8; its indefinitiveness praised, M 44, M 202; origin and nature of term, M 239; as story teller, CS 10; philosophy of, rarely understood, M 16

“My Thoughts” (Cranch): quoted, M 175

Mysteries of Paris (Sue): powerful, ingenious, and artless, M 176

Mystery of St. Dents: cited, Pin 66

Mythology (Jacob Bryant): cited, Pin 70 (see Bryant for “source” use)

names: suggested for America, M 184

Napoleon: mentioned, Pin Intro

nationality: needed in American letters, SM 1

Natural History of Enthusiasm (Taylor): comment, M 161

natural state of man: rationality, M 10

Neal, John: literary foibles, M 197, M 216

New Monthly: question of plagiarism, M 198

New Testament: see also Bible; language not pure Greek, SP 11; as source, SP 40

“New World”: concept in literature, Pin 12

Newnham, W. N.: Human Magnetism, faulty logic, good conclusions, M 180

newspaper editors: their constitutions, FS 13

Newton: Optics as source, M 169; cited on progress, CS 11; mentioned, SM 19

Niagara (Lord): comment, M 169

Night and Morning (Bulwer): mere plot, CS 6, cited, SM 20

Noctes Atticae (Aulus Gellius): first periodical moral essay, Pin 44

Norman Leslie (Fay): inferior to “Jim Crow,” SP 16a

North American Review: alluded to, M 182; leads a literary cabal, M 206, M 211; review of Taylor, M 212; as reviewer of Poe, M 290

North, Christopher: see John Wilson

Norton, Caroline: laudable reference, M 104

Nouvelle Hiloise (Rousseau): quoted, FS 28

Novalis: quoted, M 164

novels: discussed vs. tale, SM 15

Nubes (Aristophanes): with several rhymes, Pin 100

obscurity: cited by Quintilian, Pin 114

Occidente, Maria del: see Brooks

“Ode to Adversity” (Gray): quoted, Pin 92

Odiorne, Thomas: Progress of Refinement and relation to poetry, Pin 2

odors: not parallel to other senses, M 48

Odyssey: division into books, Pin 18; similarity to Iliad, Pin 42

“Oenone” (Tennyson): mentioned, M 44

Old Curiosity Shop (Dickens): characters discussed, SM 14

“Old Wine to Drink”: question of authorship, M 158

Olympian Ode (Pindar): Anaxagoras in commentary, Pin 72

opera: derided for chorus and mass scenes, M 284

Optics (Newton): quoted, M 169, CS 11

oratory: now superior to ancient Greek, M 112

Oriental literature: reference, M 1

originality: envied by the dully conventional, M 119

Osborn, Laughton: Vision of Rubeta discussed, M 133; his powerful Confessions, M 205, M 217; C. E. White's pseudonym, M 215

Osgood, Frances: poems of “grace,” M 209

Ossian (McPherson): cited, Pin 74, M 132

“Opics”: cited, M 139A; his defense of Longfellow, M 198

Ovid: cited, Pin 30; a borrowing from Lucretius, Pin 165, M 139A

Paine, Thomas: Age of Reason cited, M 24

painting: of Adam in Vatican, M 105; advancement of, M 131; portraiture, M 280

Palais Royal (Mancur): comment, M 128

Palestine: home of citric attrogs, Pin 81

Paley, Wm.: Moral Philosophy as source, Pin 26

Pandects: Roman legal code, SP 17

Papyrius Paetus: Cicero's letter quoted, Pin 32

Paradise Lost: inspired by Andreini, Pin 35; accused of treason, Pin 37; quoted, Pin 76, Pin 92; in a new version and translated from the French, SP 20

Paris: inscription on gates, Pin 145

Park Theatre: cited, SM 22

Parker, Matthew: his hymns a source, Pin 171

Parnasse Reformi (Gueret): quoted, M 135

Parrhasius, curtain of: reference, M 243

Pasquin: epigram on Paul III quoted, Pin 91

Passeri, G.: quoted for soul's flight, Pin 115, M 57

St. Patrick: reference to biography, Pin 65; Irish snake, FS 12

Patru, M.: Plaidoyers quoted, Pin 159

St. Paul: three-part composition of man, Pin 84

Paul III: Pasquin epigram, Pin 91

Paulding, James: his Westward Ho! titled from Jonson's Eastward Hoe!, SP 21; compared to Bulwer, SM 4; Life of Washington praised, SM 13

Paulus, Heinrich: his Memorabilien cited, M 71

Peacock, T. L.: his poem musical, M 97

Pelham (Bulwer): inferior to Scott's novels, SM 4

penance: atonement for sin, M 157

Pentamerone: cited, Pin 56

Percival, J. G.: his hexameters, M 133

Peregrinus Proteus (Wieland): quoted, M 229, SM 19

perfectionists: always restless, M 70

Periplus (Hanno): reference to the lakes, M 117

Persian Letters (Montesquieu): similar to The Turkish Spy, Pin 3, M 72

Petrarch: Brossano's tombstone epitaph quoted, Pin 78; Boileau's view of him, Pin 90; his work analyzed, SM 10

Peutinger, Konrad: editor of long Roman military maps, M 129

Phèdre (Racine): cited, Pin 5

Philolaus: on comets, Pin 12

philology: illustrated through weeping willow, M 47

philosophers: new sect loves old things, FS 28

philosophy: anciently divides soul and spirit, Pin 84; never really true, M 242

“Philosophy of Point” (Poe): mentioned, M 197

Phlegyas: quoted, M 9

phrenology: cited on Dickens, M 20

physiology: similar effects of sound and sight on body, M 32

piano keys: could yield varied tales, CS 10

Pickwick Abroad (Reynolds): cited, M 113

Pièces intéressantes (La Place): mentioned, Pin Intro

Pierce Plowman's Vision: on its alliteration, SP 18

Pigal: statue of Louis XV, Pin 79, M 148

Pinckney, Edward (for Pinkney): his “Health” plagiarized, M 208

Pindar: his odes mentioned, M 147; cited, M 265, SM 10

Pindar, Peter: Wolcot as a free metrist, LST 2

Pindaric verses: their effect on rhymes, M 147

Pisistratus: collector of Iliad, Pin 144

Pius VI: his 1783 obelisk, Pin 147

plagiarism: L. Sterne and C. Colton, Pin Intro, M 46; from Boileau, Pin 97, M 92, M 139A; Satyre Menippee and Hudibrm, Pin 116, M 64; analysis of Longfellow's “Midnight Mass,” M 35, M 138; in Bulwer's Pompeii unacknowledged, M 49; in a Hawthorne tale, M 79; from European Magazine, M 89; by Monthly Register from T. J. Mathias, M 100; not applicable to compilations, M 168; often self-repetition, M 198; by R. W. Dodson of Hemans’ lines, M 204; by George Hill from Pinkney, M 208; of T. B. Read froM Lowell, M 210; from Poe by W. W. Lord, M 214; why detestable, SM 11

Plaidoyers (M. Patru): quoted, Pin 159

Plato: the Genesis creation account in Symposium, Pin 19; Symposium as source, Pin 19, SP 31; on idle talk, M Intro; music for improved taste, M 239

Pliny: as source, M 243, M 280, M 284

plot: needs preplanning, CS 6; constructions only perfect when God's, M 18

Plutarch: Apophthegms mentioned, Pin Intro; his erroneous opinions of Aristophanes and Menander, Pin 121; not always clear, M 13; cited, M 46, M 153

Poe, E. A.: “Raven” cited for medial rhyme, M 147; his Bf scorn of Saul noted in verses, M 219

poetic license: never justified, M 218

poetic sentiment: leads to imitation, M 160; needed tojudge poetry, M 166; older British poetry, SM 3

poetry: sound and sense principle, Pin 117, M 65; alliteration in Milton, M 41; Moore's prosaic style, M 42; rejects inversions, M 104; best part of Damsel of Darien (Simms), M 106; imitation in, M 160; rhythm in, M 175; needs mathematical analysis, M 179; BJ criticism of Coxe evaluated in squib, M 219; Bulwer's discussed, M 221; fanciful poet criticized, M 248 poetry, French: quoted on caesura, Pin 160

poetry, German: reference, Pin 152, Pin 153, M 152

poetry, Greek: hexameters contrasted with those in English, M 191

poetry, older British: its quaint charm, SM 3

poets: alert to injustice, FS 22; as a genus irritabile, FS 22

poets’ magazine: their “perpetual chant,” M 275

Poets and Poetry (Griswold): adverse comment, M 158

Politian: his poem to A. Scala, Pin 140; translated “Pandects” (Roman Law) into Greek, SP 17

“political squibs”: as nonsensical verses, LST 2

politics: Voltaire quoted on English parties, M 159; illustrate changing opinion, M 241

polytheism: Greek writers on, M 53

Pompeiana (Gels): similar to Pompeii (Bulwer), M 49

Pontneuf: songs cited, Pin 22

Pope, Alexander: a borrowing from Milton, Pin 36, M 139A; quoted, Pin 88, M 237, M 250; Epistle to Arbuthnot borrowed froM Dryden, Pin 96, M 139A; cited, M 42, M 255; Dunciad mentioned, M 50; as source, M 150e, M 225d; cited by Voltaire, M 159; his prosodic advice and practice, M 191; Cowper's style, M 218; Wakefield edition notes cited, SP 43; Rape of Lock as a source, FS 24

Popes: several cited, Pin 8, Pin 134

Popular Record of Science (London): reprinted “Mesmeric Revelation” and “Valdemar,” M 200

Porphyry: on Greek deities, Pin 57, M 53

Les Premiers Traits de L‘Erudition Universelle: see Bielfeld

Presbyterian Eloquence (Scott): quoted, M 145

Prescott, Wm.: respected by other historians, FS 33

Priapus: cited, Pin 57, M 53

Private Life of the Romans (Arnay): Bulwer's debt, M 49

progress: of the arts, M 131; reform scorned, M 262

Progress of Refinement (Odiorne): the best alliteration, Pin 2

Proserpina: cited, Pin 57, M 53

prosody: Thomas Moore's ornamental poetic style, M 42

Protestants: cited, Pin 142

Protogenes: cited, M 280

Proverbs (Bible): cited, M 36

Psalms: W. Slatyer version quoted, Pin 146; 1564 Parker edition quoted, Pin 171; quoted and paraphrased, Pin 172

Psalter of Solomon: origin, Pin 47

psychology: effect of sound and color, M 32

Ptolemy: reference to Almagest, M 82

Publilius Syrus: as source, Pin 132

Puckle, James: his Gray Cap quoted, M 23, M 149, FS 9; Gray Cap as source, M 153, M 154, M 266, FS 18

Puckler-Muskau: Tour as source, M 15a

Pue, Hugh: his Grammar poor in quality and as model, SM 18

Pulci: on the “new world,” Pin 12

pun: best when intolerable, M Intro; on two types of “state,” M 87; quoted, M 235, M 253; the weak point of Hood, M 291

punctuation: needs a reasoned treatise, M 197

Pursuits of Literature (Mathias): preface quoted, M 100

Pusey, E.: uproar over, M 3

Pythagoras: his definition of beauty, M 127

Quintilian: quoted, Pin 113, M Intro

quotations: misapplied for humor, M 78

Rabelais: Gargantua cited, FS 1

Racine: PhMre cited, Pin 5; BerMice quoted, Pin 123

Ramaseana: a strange truth, M 39

Rambaud de Vachieras: cited, Pin 14

Randolph, John (of Roanoke): quoted by Brougham, M 37

Ranke: History of the Popes cited by Macaulay, CS 11

“Ranz des Vaches”: comment, SP 38

Raphael: source of Gray's “Bard,” Pin 93

“Rationale of Verse” (Poe): cited on meter, M 191

Raumer, F. von: a source, Pin 7; cited, Pin 7, M 54

Read, T. B.: cited and quoted, M 210

reading: speed methods predicted, M 27; effect on public, M 56

real estate: defined for humor, M 136 realism: in literature and art, no merit in disagreeable details, M 43; rare in America, M 280

reality: legal definition for property, M 136

reasoning: faulty type explained, M 87, M 124

Reciprocal Influence of Body and Mind (Newnham): discussed, M 180

Recueil des Bonnes Pensees: on error, Pin Intro

Rees's Cyclopaedia: as source, M 87, M 171b

reform: cited, M 229, M 262; derided, M 267

regeneration: 19th century need for, M 225

Reminiscences of Coleridge (Cottle): discussed, FS 9

Remmius: Carmen de Ponderibus discussed, M 22

revolution: its spirit in England, FS 25

Revue des Deux Mondes: on Poe, M 211

Revue Française: on Poe, M 211

Reynard the Fox: fable cited, M 278

Reynolds, F. M.: cited for Miserrimus, M 113, M 205

Rhea: cited (from Porphyry), Pin 57, M 53

Rhododaphne (Peacock): quoted, M 97

“Rhodope”: a parallel of “Cinderella,” Pin 56

rhyme: based on human sense of equality, M 147

Rhymes of Travel (Taylor): review, M 212

Richardson, Samuel: Clarissa Harlowe cited, M 177

Richelieu: cited, Pin 106; book dedication to him changed to Christ, Pin 109; Benserade's epitaph, Pin 128

Richelieu (Bulwer): comment, M 221

Richelieu (James): a weak historical novel, SM 5

Richmann, G. W.: Russian scientist cited, M 93

Rienzi (Bulwer): mentioned, SM 10

“Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (Coleridge): quoted, M 193

“Robin Hood”: could become a fine epic, SP 9

Robins, Joshua: cited, M 62

Robinson Crusoe (Defoe): captivating versimilitude, SM 21

Rochefoucault (or Rochefoucauld): mentioned, Pin Intro

Rollenhagen: Froschmauseler cited for “Cinderella,” Pin 56

Roman Law: found in four parts, full of platitudes and pedantry, SP 17

romance-writers: should construct novels carefully, M 268

Romans: reference, M 228

Rome (Gillespie): a respectable book, M 162

Rousseau, J. J.: La Nouvelle Helozse mentioned, FS 28

Ruins of Athens (Hill): a poem taken from Pinkney, M 208

Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons (Duncan): its philosophy outdated, M 21

Saint-Evremond: quoted on ultimate justice, Pin 82

Saint John, Henry: mentioned, M 46

Saint Pierre, Abbe de: cited on words, Pin 28

Sallengre, A. H.: Memoires de liteerature mentioned, Pin Intro; as source, Pin 134

Sallo, Denis de: Journal des S(avans cited, Pin 125

Sallust: definition of a King uncurbed, Pin 143, M 60; his genius and Aruntius’ imitation, M 188

Sand, George: see Dudevant

Sannazarius: epitaph quoted, Pin 87

Sannio: a buffoon, Pin 122

Santeuil: model for memorial verses, Pin 145

Sardanapalus: called Tenos Concoleros by Greeks, SP 2

Sartor Resartus (Carlyle): cited, M 135, M 165, M 188, SM 19

Satan: in Paradise Lost, Pin 37

satire through letters: old form, M 72

Satyre Menippee: like Hudibras, Pin 116, M 64

Satyrs: cited, Pin 57, M 53

Saul (Coxe): execrable verse play, M 219

Scala, Alessandra: Politian's verse tribute, Pin 140

scansion: rhythm in Longfellow's “Proem”

Scaramouch: cited, Pin 31

Scarron, Paul: epistle to Sarrazin, tri-syllabic, SP 23

Schlegel, A. W.: Dramatic Lectures as source Pin 5, Pin 101, Pin 118, Pin 119, Pin 120, Pin 121, Pin 122, Pin 123, Pin 124, M 120, M 131, M 137, SP 1, SP 7; mentioned, M 209; on odd stage directions, SP 7; ranked, M 181

Schlegel, F. A.: on origin of commedia dell‘arte, Pin 122; analytic style, FS 33

Schlegel, Frederick and Augustus: ranked below Macaulay, M 181

scholiast: on Pindar, Pin 72

Schottky: Serbian fables of “Cinderella,” Pin 56

Schwarmerei: possibly meant, M Intro; term for critical style, M 249

scientific literature: examples given of verses, M 22

Scotch: as the “Paradisial” tongue, M 142

“Scotch School” (Bristed): quoted, M 191

Scott, Walter: Monastery mentioned, M 165b; cited, M 221; Walladmor, an imitation of Scott, SP 27; better than Bulwer's novels, SM 4; his Waverley inventively historical, SM 5

Scott, Walter (clergyman): quotation from Presbyterian Eloquence, M 145

Scylla: from “Scol” (destruction), Pin 80

Selden, John: Historical Discourse as source, Pin 99; on Henry VIII, Pin 99

self, sense of: in crises, CS 1

Selkirk, Alexander: his true story inspired Defoe, SM 21

Semiramis: ambiguity of dates of epoch, Pin 62

Seneca: plagiarized by Corneille and Racine, Pin 5; on Homer and Appian, Pin 18; nine tragedies use Greek subjects, Pin 101, M 131; a false attribution, Pin 132, M 90; reference, M 46, M 188

sensibility: love of beauty and horror of deformity, FS 23

“Sensitive Plant” (Shelley): mentioned, M 213

Sentimental journey (Sterne): quoted, M 145, M 211

Septuagint: word for “darkness,” Pin 17; quoted, M 5

Sermon on a Future State (Austin): comment, M 68

Servius: on Virgil, Pin 58, M 53

Severianus: cited, M 25

Sheba: queen and kingdom cited, Pin 49

shekel: inscribed, Pin 168

Shelley, P. B.: compared to Montgomery, M 2; discussed, M 213

Shenstone: inscription to his memory, M 81

Sheridan, R. B.: on Annals of Tacitus, Pin 50; his impromptus would conquer Athenians, M 112; as a source, FS 32

Sidney, Sir Philip: his hexameters absurd, Pin 75, M 133

Silenus: cited, Pin 57, M 53

Silius Italicus: quoted on assassination, Pin 104

Simms, W. G.: poor style in his Damsel of Darien, M 74; cited, M 113, M 212; Areytos and Poe's poetry, M 173e; quoted, M 173

Siren: from word “to sing,” Pin 80

slanderers: biblical translation, Pin 54

Slatyer, Wm.: Hymns as source, Pin 146; Psalms quoted, Pin 146

Smith, Adam: Wealth of Nations as source, SP 15

Smith, H.: Zillah as source, Pin 83; comment on his essays, M 5; encountered on train, M 5; compared to Bulwer, SM 4

Smith, Thomas: defines a gentleman, M 69

Smollett, Tobias: quoted, M 111

Socrates: in Lyttelton dialogue, Pin 85; cited, M 79; article on, SP 31

solar system: its duration not really in Bible, M 21

Solomon: as author of Iliad, Pin 148, M 62

“Song of a Tree-Spirit” (Barrett): quoted, M 222

“Song of Solomon”: the only sacred book without deity, Pin 52

song-writing: aims at utter freedom, not imitation, M 202

Sophocles: as an echo of Aeschylus, M 131; cited, M 284

Sorrows of Werther (Goethe): German and English language responses, M 174

Soucier, Pere: on Oriental coins, Pin 162

soul: immortality of, Pin 1; final destiny related to sleep, M 126

sound and sense: in poetry, Pin 117, M 65

Southern Literary Messenger: mentioned, Pin Intro

Southey, Robert: The Doctor discussed, SM 2

Souza, Jose: fine edition of the Lusiads, SP 44

Sparks, Jared: left a need for Paulding's Washington, SM 13

“Specimens on British Critics”: Wilson's article insults Lowell, SM 1

Spenser, Edmund: echoed by Milton, Pin 67; quoted, FS 43

spondees: paucity of in English, Pin 75, M 133

Sprague, Charles: cited as limited poet, M 104, M 290

stage effects: optical, in Macbeth, Pin 7, M 54

Stanley: see Wallace

Statius, Publius: his verses on the Via Domitiana, SP 13

Stephens, J. L.: journey through Idumea, M 115

Sterne, Laurence: false attribution of Koran, Pin Intro, M 46; his (sic) Koran derivative, M 46; cited on reviewers, M 145; Letter from France mentioned, M 211; imitated in Doctor, SM 2

Strabo: on Tower of Belus, Pin 141; his skepticism, M 155

Street, A. B.: as descriptive poet, M 167, FS 38

style: and concision, M 29; of Brougham scorned, M 37; prosaic, M 42; of Gould and Howitt analyzed, M 66; of Bulwer discussed, M 117; of Gibbon assailed, LST 5-8; when logical, can lead to false conclusions, CS 11

Suard, J. B. A.: Melanges mentioned, Pin Intro

Sue, Eugene: on Mysteries of Paris and the debt to Poe, M 176; of unstable, sensational tone, M 181; mentioned, M 221

suffering: divine aspect of punishment, M 157

Suidas: letter from Dionysius to Apollophanes, Pin 59

Sullivan, J. T. S.: as conversationalist, M 192

Sulpicius: literary robbery by Tasso, Pin 105, M 138

sun: reference to its size, M 38, M 193; cited for Decuppis, FS 36

superior virtue: leads to madhouse or prison, M 247

Swammerdam, Jan: Biblia naturae translated into English, SP 28

Swedenborgians: gullible about Poe's tale, M 130

Swift, J.: source of Cary's essay style, M 158; comment on “Lilliputian Ode,” SP 23

Switzerland: cited for folk tune, Pin 29, SP 38

sympathy: use of by authors, SM 22

Table Talk (Coleridge): not gossip but discourse, M 109

Tacitus: cited, Pin 50, M Intro, SP 42; discussed, Pin 161

Taglioni, Maria: cited, M 85, FS 27

tale: artistic qualities discussed, SM 15

Talleyrand: quoted on Bible, FS 28

Tasso, Torquato: discussed, Pin 21; his epic uses Lucan and Sulpicius, Pin 105, M 138

Taylor, Bayard: Rhymes of Travel unjustly attacked, M 212; noble poet but too rhetorical, M 290

Taylor, Isaac: spirit of his book like Bush's Anastasia, M 161

Taylor, Jeremy: cited, M Intro

Tempest: Trinculo cited, M 273

Temple, Sir Wm.: cited, M Intro

Tennyson, Alfred: perhaps the greatest poet, M 44; “Death of the Old Year” in Longfellow's poem, M 138; cited, M 145; his style and Shelley's influence, M 213; quaint and imaginative, FS 30; compared with E. Barrett, FS 35

Terence: imitated Menander, M 131

Tertullian: paradox quoted, M 151, M 245; quoted with a pun, M 261

theater: optical effects on stage, Pin 7, M 54

theme: necessity of originality in, M 104; artistic fashioning of, M 164

Themis: cited, Pin 57, M 53

Theophrastus: botanical works, Pin 12

Thiodolf (Fouqué): a cold but successful novel, M 181

thought-cycles: man's opinion and child's coincide, M 155

Three Impostors (Pierre ties Vignes): and ironic circumstances, Pin 8, SP 37

Tickell, Thomas: a borrowing from Boileau, Pin 92, Pin 97, M 139A

Tieck, Ludwig: gives a Shakespeare line humorously, M 78

Timon (i.e. Cormenin): quoted, M 279

Timothy (Bible): cited, Pin 54

Titus (Bible): cited, Pin 54

“To Flush, My Dog” (Barrett): quoted, M 222

Tooke, John: cited, M Intro, SM 18

Torquato Tasso (Goldoni): quoted, SP 32

Torres, Tomas de las: preface to “Amatory Poems” quoted, FS 19

Touchard-Fosse, G., ed.: Chroniques pittoresques as primary source, FS 2

Towne, C. H.: his translation of Mysteries of Pants faulty, M 176

Townshend, C.: his book of great value, M 180

transcendentalists: cited, M 249, FS 26

translation: of Sue's novel analyzed, M 176

travel: book on, M 128; Johnson quoted, M 288

Trelawny, Captain: an original writer, SM 4

Trublet, N. C. J.: cited on merits in books, M 187

True Estimate of Human Life (Young): discussed, Pin 130

truisms: their value, M 39

truth: men's written records usually lie, M 31; needed but unattempted is a book My Heart Laid Bare, M 194

Tucker, Beverley: George Balcombe cited, M 206, SM 25

Tucker, Josiah: cited, M 3

Turkish Spy (Marana): similar to other works, Pin 3, M 72

Turpin, Dick: criminal in Ainsworth's Rockwood, Pin Intro

Twelve Tables: as source, FS 9

Twelve Tables, Law of: cited, Pin 25

Tye, C.: Acts of Apostles put in rhyme, Pin 150

Tyler, John: cited, M 257

typographical error: in Mathews’ book, M 270

Ulysses: cited regarding Homer, Pin 148

Undine (Fouqué): theme is anti-second-marriage, M 98; compared to Libussa, M 181; compared to Curiosity Shop, SM 14

Union Magazine: cited, M 290

United States: Pythagoras’ motto on beauty, M 127; need of proper name, M 184

Universal Erudition: see Bielfeld

Usher, Archbishop: on Semiramis, Pin 62; ms. of St. Patrick's “Life,” Pin 65

utilitarians (Mill and Bentham): imprecise thinkers, M 63

Vachieras, R.: his poem in five tongues, Pin 14

“Valdemar Case” (Poe): discussed, M 200

Van Buren, Martin: derided, M 241

Varro: three historical epochs, Pin 139

Vathek (Beckford): critics cited, Pin 158; main character cited, M 251

vaudeville: French verse form, exemplified, Pin 154

Vaughan, Henry: his “Rainbow” a model for Campbell's, SP 24

Velschii Ruzname Naurus: cited, M 1

Venius, Otto: cited as artist, SP 19

Venus: bearded in Servius’ commentary on Aeneid, Pin 58, M 53; metaphor for Byron's Mary, SM 12

Vesta: cited, Pin 57, M 53

Vignes, Pierre des: The Three Impostors discussed, Pin 8, SP 37

Virgil: quoted, Pin 13, Pin 41, Pin 98, M 90; cited, Pin 42; Aeneid and Servius’ concept of Venus, Pin 58, M 53

“Vision of Mirza” (Addison): mentioned, M 215

Volney: Ruins quoted and discussed, M 51

Voltaire: Essai sur lei Moeurs as source, Pin 8. SP 37; quoted on stage conventions, Pin 118; mentioned for Greek comedy, Pin 121; Mort de C9sar quoted, Pin 124; his verbal tricks, M 9; works judged, M 86; his error about the Capitol, M 120; his Brutus is anachronistic, M 137; on party faction in England, M 159; cited, M 181; Zadig as source, M 283;ignorant of antiquity, to Gibbon's mind, LST 6

Von Raumer: cited on stage effects, Pin 7, M 54

Vondel: comment on Deliverance of the Children of Israel, Pin 68

Voyage to Cochin-China (Barrow): as source, M 103

Waif, “Proem” to (Longfellow): imagery, M 134; its conclusion analyzed, M 140

Walhalla (Valhalla): deities and editors, FS 13

Wallace, H. B. (“Landor”): “Sweepings from a Drawer” as source, M 10, FS 20; Stanley as source, M 35, M 127, M 136, M 138, M 144, M 145, M 160c, M 209, M 211, M 239, M 250, M 251, M 253, M 257, M 258, M 259, M 261, M 262, M 271, M 272, M 280, M 286, CS 7, FS I b, FS 21, FS 25; Mems as source, M 223, M 224, M 225, M 226, M 228, M 229, M 230, M 232, M 235, M 238, M 242, M 250, FS 39

Wallace, Wm.: a neglected poetic genius, M 290

Walladmor: imitation of Scott's novels, SP 27

Walpole, Horace: excellent in conversation, M 109; on grace in writing, M 209, M 259

Walsh, R.: Sketches as source, M 244, M 246, M 274, FS 29, FS 30

Wanderer of Switzerland (Montgomery): discussed, M 83

Ward, R. P.: Tremaine quotation as a source, M 221

Warton, Thomas: his notes to “Eloisa” as source, Pin 36

Washington, George: in Paulding's Life, SM 13

Waters, John: pen name of Henry Cary, M 158

Webbe, Cornelius: humorist following Lamb, M 67

Webster, N.: Dictionary commented on, FS 48

Weekly Inspector: as source, M Intro, M 23, M 81, M 100, M 102, M 103; cited for new word, M 102

weeping (epithet): its correct derivation, M 47

Welby, Amelia: critique of her poetry, quoted, M 104

White, C. E. (i.e. Osborn): his sophisticated Alla Ad-Deep, M 215 (see Osborn)

Wieland, C. M.: cited on superhuman striving, M 229; Peregrinus Proteus on man as noble, SM 19

wife: a good thing, M 36

Willis, Nathaniel: as conversationalist, M 192

Wilmer, Lambert: writer of filth, M 58

Wilson, John: cited as critic, SM 1, SM 7

Wirt, Wm.: British Spy and similarity to Turkish Spy, Pin 3, M 72

wit: as idol (Baconian), M 47, M 196

Witchcraft (Mathews): a derided play, M 278, FS 40

witty person: his need to originate, SM 6

Wollaston, W. H.: his finely drawn wires, M 132

women: criticized as writers, M 23; as blue-stockings, M 283, FS 1; American, of materialistic souls, FS 15

“Woodman Spare That Tree” (Morris): comment, M 202

words: fix thought distinctly, M 63, M 150; as murderous tools, M 135

Wordsworth, Wm.: reference, M 165; didactic, M 213

writers: minor ones infest our literature, M 11; women criticized, M 23; and the goosequill pen, M 256

writing: beginning of books, M 33; grace in, M 209, M 259; construction of tales, M 273; and thinking, M 277; theory of, CS 6; composition of novels, SM 15

Ximenes, Cardinal: first polyglot Bible (1515), SP 26

Young, E.: a borrowing from Butler, Pin 39, M 139A; a Goldsmith borrowing, Pin 40, M 139A; A True Estimate discussed, Pin 130

Zachariah (Bible): mentioned, M 115

Zanni: a name of Harlequin, Pin 122

Zeno, Apostolo: his comedies, Pin 34

Zeuxis, grapes of: as art, M 243

zodiac: of comets, Pin 6

Zoilus: as critic, LST 1






[S:0 - BRP2B, 1985] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Editions - The Collected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe (B. R. Pollin) (Index M-Z)