Text 01 — “Marginalia” (1845-1849 — fragmentary manuscript
Manuscript of Installment IV (from Godey's
Lady's Book) (Sept. 1845, “Dreer” Manuscript of the full installment) (Historical
Society of Pennsylvania)
Manuscript of item 2 from Installment IX (from
Graham's) (1846, “Martin” manuscript: Nov. 7, 1846, apparently sent after the
rest of the December 1846 installment) (currentl unlocated)
Manuscript items from Installment XIII (from Southern
Literary Messenger) (April 1849, “Gimbel” manuscript fragment) (Gimbel Poe Collection, the
Philadelphia Free Public Library)
Manuscript items from Installment XV (from Southern
Literary Messenger) (June 1849, “Thompson” manuscript fragments) (Poe Foundation, Richmond
and unlocated)
“Manuscript (1848 — “Stedman”
manuscript) (includes fragments from various collections, including that of William H. Koester.)
Text 03 — “Marginalia” (manuscript corrections to printed text)
Corrected pages of Installment I (from US Magazine and Democratic
Review) (revised Dec. 1845 - July 1847, “Gilman” Manuscript notes on printed text)
Corrected pages of Installment VI (from Democratic
Review) (revised Dec. 1845 - July 1847, “Gilman” Manuscript notes on printed text)
Uncorrected pages of Installment VII (from Democratic Review) (Although
they contain no manuscript changes, these pages were apparently kept by Poe along with the two items above.)
Text 04 — “Marginalia” (1850, WORKS) (This revision of “Marginalia” includes many
changes and additional selections, mostly culled from earlier reviews. These changes and the selection of
additional items were all presumably made by Poe, and merely adopted by Griswold.)
(Note that some of the “Marginalia” material is closely tied to a few
“Literati” items and reviews.)
“Original Marginalia by Edgar A. Poe” — September 18, 1874 —
Tasmanian Tribune (Hobart Town, Tasmania), vol. X, no. 603, p. 4 (a reprint of twelve items, taken at
random. The source is not cited, but they are presumably taken from Griswold's edition of the collected
— 1875 — The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, ed. J. H. Ingram, Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black
(3:347-479) (Ingram restored some items which were not included in the Griswold edition. The selection is not
entirely complete, however, as Ingram continued to omit some items which were more fully represented in the form
of the criticism in which they originally appeared. In the 1876 version of what had been the Griswold edition, W.
J. Widdleton retained the 1850 selection instead of adopting that made by Ingram.)
“Marginalia” — 1902 — The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe,
ed. C. J. Richardson, New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons (9:176-372) (essentially reprints the 1850 text, with
additional selections added to entry 178, taken from Broadway Journal of August 9, 1845)
“Poe's Marginalia” — 1924 — edited, with an introduction, by
Isaac Goldberg, Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Company, 1924. (56 pages, with 8 pages of advertisements, No. 729.
excerpts only)
“Selections from Poe's Marginalia” — 1930 — Pittsburgh, PA:
Laboratory Press. (22 pages, hardback, with a paper dustjacket. Limited to 250 copies. Excerpts only. Stated as
having been produced “as an Exercise in Book-design, by the students at the Laboratory Press, Carnegie
Institute of Technology ... to commemorate the establishment of the Press.”)
Scholarly and Noteworthy Reprints:
— 1895 — The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, vol. 7: Literary Criticism, eds. E. C. Stedman and G. E.
Woodberry, Chicago: Stone and Kimball (7:209-349, and 7:354-355)
— 1902 — The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, vol. 16: Marginalia and Eureka, ed. J. A.
Harrison, New York: T. Y. Crowell (16:1-178) (Harrison reprints the original articles rather than the selections,
but inexplicably omits the installments of April 1846, July 1846 and March 1848.)
“Marginalia [excerpts]” — 1909 — Selections from the Critical
Writings of Edgar Allan Poe, ed. Frederick C. Prescott, New York: Henry Holt (pp. 257-307 and 346-348)
(selected excerpts deal with critical theory)
Marginalia — 1981 — Edgar Allan Poe: Marginalia, ed. J. C. Miller, Charlottesville,
Virginia: University Press of Virginia, 1981 (the first complete collection of the original marginalia items, but
without annotations)
“Marginalia [Preface]”
— 1978 — The Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe, vol. 3: Tales & Sketches II, ed. T. O.
Mabbott, Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press (3:1112-1118)
— 1985 — The Collected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe; Vol II- The Brevities, New York:
Gordian Press, 1985 (2:508-551, and 1:xv-xxiv) (Pollin restores the original material and order for
Marginalia” and also includes items printed in Griswold's edition as “Supplemental
Marginalia,” 2:508-551, and 2:xxix-xxxiii)
“Marginalia” — 1984 — Edgar Allan Poe: Essays and Reviews, ed.
G. R. Thompson, New York: Library of America (pp. 1309-1472)
Comparative and Study Texts:
Instream Comparative and Study Texts:
Associated Material and Special Versions:
Miscellaneous Texts and Related Items:
“Marginalia” — 1882 — Contes Grotesques par Edgar Poe, Paris:
Paul Ollendorff (French translation by Émile Hennequin)
“Marginalia” — 1908 — Bibliothèque des poètes
fraçais et étrangers: Edgar-A. Poë, Paris: Louis-Michaud (French translation by Victor
Corcella, Aldo, “A Source for Poe's “Marginalia’,” Edgar Allan
Poe Review, vol. 18, no. 2, Autumn 2017, 18:193-208 (proposes a source for 14 items, primarily the
British Critic for December 1794)
Hatvary, George Egon, “Poe's Borrowings from H. B. Wallace,” American
Literature, 1966, 38:365-372
Heartman, Charles F. and James R. Canny, A Bibliography of First Printings of the Writings
of Edgar Allan Poe, Hattiesburg, MS: The Book Farm, 1943.
O‘Neill, Edward H., “The Poe-Griswold Texts of ‘Marginalia’,”
American Literature, November 1943, 15:238-250
Pollin, Burton R., ed., The Collected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe; Vol II- The
Brevities (Including “Marginalia,” “Pinakidia,” “Fifty Suggestions,” and
“A Chapter of Suggestions,” New York: Gordian Press, 1985)
Savoye, Jeffrey A., “A Lost Roll of ‘Marginalia’,” The Edgar Allan
Poe Review, Fall 2002, vol. III, no. 2, pp. 52-72
Savoye, Jeffrey A., “Wrapping ‘Marginalia’,” The Edgar Allan Poe
Review, Fall 2008, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 100. (Notes subtitles for individual entries in two installments of
“Marginalia” from the Southern Literary Messenger given in the table of contents from original
paper wrappers, but not included in the index or previously noticed.)
[S:0 - JAS] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Misc - Marginalia