Text: Edgar Allan Poe, “The Alphadelphia Tocsin,” from the Evening Mirror (New York), January 11, 1845, vol. 1, no. 82 p. 2, col. 2


[page 2, column 2:]

THE ALPHADELPHIA TOCSIN. — (Phœbus, what a name, to fill the sounding trump of future fame!) — is the title of a new journal published at Alphadelphia, Michigan, and “devoted to the interests of the laboring classes;” by which we presume are intended the classes who have to pronounce every morning the great appellation of the paper itself. Such a work should not want editors, and accordingly we are informed that it has eight. What on earth is the meaning of Alphadelpia? — is the “Alphadelphia Tocsin” the Tocsin of the city of double A's? — if so, the idea is too easily slipped into A double S.



A tocsin is an alarm bell.


[S:0 - NYEM, 1845] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Criticism - Alphadelphia Tocsin (E. A. Poe ?, 1845)