Text: Anonymous, [Review of the Southern Literary Messenger], Charleston Daily Courier (Charleston, SC), August 29, 1835, vol. XXXIII, whole no. 11,258, p. 2, col. 2


[page 2, column 2, continued:]

The Southern Literary Messenger. — We have received the August number of this excellent and spirited Virginia periodical, which is monthly calling forth the abundant talent, and adding to the literary reputation of the Old Dominion. The articles to which we have paid particular attention, are Professor BEVERLY TUCKER'S Valedictory to his Law Class, at William & Mary's College, which breathes a kindly and paternal spirit, and abounds in well-expressed admonitions, for the most part, both wholesome and judicious, although we have little scruple as to the entire morality of those which relate to special pleading; “GRAYSON GRIFFITH,” a tale of some interest, in which a salutary moral is impressed on the subject of gaming; and the “Dissertation on the characteristic Differences between the Sexes,” written with equal beauty of thought, illustration and language, and displaying a power of close observation, and an intimate acquaintance with the philosophy of human nature. The essay last named is devoted to the “Religions Differences” between the sexes; and gives ample reason to believe, that woman, as it were, by way of atonement for bringing sin into the world, is mainly instrumental in feeding and keeping alive the flame of vital religion, which is finally to light man to victory over death and the grave. It is computed that females constitute from three to four fifths of the communicants in the United States. To what is this due, but to the genius of Christianity, which gives to woman her proper rank morally, and intellectually, in society, charms her with glorious and inspiring hopes, and applies to her heart consolations, under the worst of trials, which this world can neither give nor take away? “The Visionary,” by EDGAR A. POE, shews, we think, that he is not as good at the purely romantic, as he is, supremely, in the humorous extravaganza. “HANS PHAAL,” even though it may have sold him to the Dutch, has immortalized him — and it may be but the brightness of his own previous merit, that makes him now but seem obscure.

The success, literary and pecuniary, of this periodical, ought to stimulate us Charlestonians and Carolinians, to a worthy emulation; and render our shortly forthcoming “SOUTHERN LITERARY JOURNAL,” the fit compeer of its Virginian predecessor.





[S:0 - CDC, 1835] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Bookshelf - Notice of SLM for August (Anonymous, 1835)