Text: N. B. Fagin, “Bibliography,” The Histrionic Mr. Poe, 1949, pp. 241-254 (This material is protected by copyright)


[page 241:]


The fullest published bibliography on Poe is in the third volume of Literary History of the United States, edited by Robert E. Spiller, Willard Thorp, Thomas H. Johnson, and Henry Seidel Canby (New York, 1948). A still fuller one, as yet unpublished, is in the Bibliography of American Literature at the University of Pennsylvania. The following bibliography is highly selective and is printed here in the hope that readers will find it convenient for reference. I have, of course, indicated in the footnotes the texts and sources used in the preparation of this study.

Allen, Hervey, Israfel: The Life and Times of Edgar Allan Poe, New York, 1926, 2 vols.

——, and Mabbott, Thomas Ollive, Poe's Brother. The Poems of William Henry Leonard Poe, New York, 1926.

Alterton, Margaret, Origins of Poe's Critical Theory, Iowa City, 1925.

——, and Craig, Hardin, Edgar Allan Poe: Representative Selections, with Introduction, Bibliography, and Notes, New York, 1935.

Arndt, Karl J., “Poe's Politian and Goethe's Mignon,” Modern Language Notes, XLIX (February, 1934), 101-104.

Astrov, Vladimir, “Dostoievsky on Edgar Allan Poe,” American Literature, XIV (March, 1942), 70-74.

Atkinson, Brooks, “On the Life of Poe,” New York Times, November 15, 1936.

Bailey, J. O., “Sources for Poe's Arthur Gordon Pym, ‘Hans Pfaall,’ and Other Pieces,” Publications of the Modern Language Association, LVII (June, 1942), 513-535.

Baldwin, Summerfield, “The Aesthetic Theory of Edgar Poe,” Sewanee Review, XXVI (April, 1918), 210-221.

Bandy, W. T., “A Source of Poe's ‘The Premature Burial,’” American Literature, XIX (May, 1947), 167-168. [page 242:]

Basler, Roy P., “The Interpretation of Ligeia,” College English, V (April, 1944), 363-372.

——, “Byronism in ‘To One in Paradise,’” American Literature, IX (May, 1937), 232-236.

Benet, Laura, Young Edgar Allan Poe, New York, 1941.

Blair, Walter, “Poe's Conception of Incident and Tone in the Tale,” Modern Philology, XLI (May, 1944), 226-240.

Bobrova, M. H., O Prozë Edgara Poe, Publication of the Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute, 1937. (In Russian)

Bond, Frederick Drew, “The Problem of Poe,” The Open Court, XXXVII (April, 1923), 216-223.

Bondurant, Agnes M., Poe's Richmond, Richmond, 1942.

Booth, Bradford A., “The Identity of Annabel Lee,” College English, VII (October, 1945), 17-19

——, and Jones, Claude, A Concordance of the Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Baltimore, 1941.

Boynton, Percy H., “Poe and Journalism,” English Journal, XXI (May, 1932), 34T352

Brigham, Clarence S., Edgar Allan Poe's Contributions to Alexander's Weekly Messenger, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1943

Brooks, Van Wyck, The World of Washington Irving, Philadelphia, 1944. (Chapter XV, “Poe in the South,” and Chapter XIX, “Poe in the North”)

Brownell, W. C., “Poe,” in American Prose Masters, New York, 1909; The Modern Students’ Library, 1923, pp. 172-223.

Bruce, Philip Alexander, “Background of Poe's University Life,” South Atlantic Quarterly, X (July, 1911), 212 226.

——, “Edgar Allan Poe and Mrs. Whitman,” South Atlantic Quarterly, XII (April, 1913), 129-140.

Bulgakov, Valentin, Edgar Poe: Drama in Five Acts and Seven Scenes, Tientsin, China, 1940. (In Russian)

Cabell, Branch, “To Edgar Allan Poe, Esq.,” in Ladies and Gentlemen, New York, 1934, pp. 243-262.

Campbell, Killis, The Mind of Poe, and Other Studies, Cambridge, 1933. [page 243:]

Campbell, Killis, “Poe,” in Cambridge History of American Literature, New York, 1918, II, 55-69.

——, “The Poe Canon,” Publications of the Modern Language Association, XXVII (1912), 325-353.

——, “Poe's Indebtedness to Byron,” The Nation, LXXXVII (March n, 1909), 248-249.

——, “Poe's Reading,” University of Texas Studies in English, V (October, 1925), 166-196.

——, “Poe's Reading: Addenda and Corrigenda,” University of Texas Studies in English, VII (November, 1927), 175-180.

——, “The Relation of Poe to His Times,” Studies in Philology, XX (July, 1923), 293-301.

——, ed., The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, Boston, 1917.

——, ed., Poe's Short Stories, New York, 1927.

Cambiaire, Celestin P., The Influence of Edgar Allan Poe in France, New York, 1927.

Canby, Henry Seidel, “Edgar Allan Poe,” in Classic Americans, New York, 1931.

Cherry, Fannye N., “The Sources of Poe's ‘Three Sundays in a Week,’” American Literature, II (November, 1930), 232 235.

Clark, David L., “The Sources of Poe's ‘The Pit and the Pendulum,’” Modern Language Notes, XLIV (June, 1929), 349-356.

Clough, Wilson O., “The Use of Color Words by Edgar Allan Poe,” Publications of the Modern Language Association, XLV (June, 1930), 598-613.

Coad, Oral S., “The Meaning of Poe's ‘Eldorado,’” Modern Language Notes, LIX (January, 1944), 59-61.

Cobb, Palmer, The Influence of E. T. A. Hoffmann on the Tales of Edgar Allan Poe, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1908.

——, “Edgar Allan Poe and Friedrich Spielhagen: Their Theory of the Short Story,” Modern Language Notes, XXV (March, 1910), 67-72.

Coburn, Frederick W., “Poe as Seen by the Brother of ‘Annie,’” The New England Quarterly, XVI (September, 1943), 468-476. [page 244:]

Colum, Padraic, ed., Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Mystery and Imagination, London and New York, 1908.

Cooke, Alice L., “The Popular Conception of Edgar Allan Poe from 1850 to 1890,” University of Texas Studies in English, XXII (1942), 22-46.

Cooke, John Esten, Poe as a Literary Critic, edited by N. Bryllion Fagin, Baltimore, 1946.

Cowley, Malcolm, “Aidgarpo,” New Republic, CXIII (November 5, 1945), 607-610.

Cox, John L., “Poe as Critic,” English Journal, College Edition, XXI (November, 1932), 757-763.

Dargan, Olive Tilford, The Poet, in Semiramis and Other Plays, New York, 1909.

De La Mare, Walter, “A Revenant,” in The Wind Blows Over, New York, 1936.

De Mille, George E., “Poe,” in Literary Criticism in America, New York, 1931.

Didier, Eugene L., The Life and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, New York, 1876; revised edition, New York, 1882.

——, The Poe Cult and Other Papers, New York, 1909.

Dow, Dorothy, Dark Glory, New York, 1931.

“A Dreamer of Things Impossible,” The Academy, LXI (September, 1901), 263-264.

Du Bois, Arthur E., “The Jazz Bells of Poe,” College English, II (December, 1944), 240-244.

Dudley, Fred A., “Tintinnabulation: And a Source of Poe's The Bells,’” American Literature, IV (November, 1932), 296-300.

“Edgar Allan Poe,” in Literary History of the United States, New York, 1948, I, 321-342, and III, 689-696.

Englekirk, J. E., Edgar Allan Poe in Hispanic Literature, New York, 1934.

Evans, May Garretson, Music and Edgar Allan Poe, Baltimore, 1939

——, “Poe in Amity Street,” Maryland Historical Magazine, XXXVI (December, 1941), 363-380.

Ewers, Hanns Heinz, Edgar Allan Poe, New York, 1917.

Fitzgerald, Bishop O. P., “The Night I Saw and Heard Edgar Allan Poe,” in Fifty Years, Nashville and Dallas, 1903. [page 245:]

Foerster, Norman, American Criticism: A Study in Literary Theory from Poe to the Present, Boston and New York, 1928.

Françon, Marcel, “Poe et Baudelaire,” Publications of the Modern Language Association, LX (September, 1945), 841-859.

French, John C., “Hewitt, John H.,” in The Dictionary of American Biography, New York, 1932, VIII, 606-607.

——, “Poe and the Baltimore Saturday Visiter,” Modern Language Notes, XXXIII (May, 1918), 257-267.

——, ed., Poe in Foreign Lands and Tongues, Baltimore, 1941.

——, “Poe's Literary Baltimore,” Maryland Historical Magazine, XXXII (June, 1937), 101-112.

Fruit, John Phelps, The Mind and Art of Poe's Poetry, New York, 1899.

Gambrill, J. Montgomery, ed., Selections from Poe, Boston, 1907.

Gates, Lewis E., “Edgar Allan Poe,” in Studies and Appreciations, New York, 1900.

Gates, William Bryan, “Poe's Politian Again,” Modern Language Notes, XLIX (December, 1934), 561.

Gibson, T. W., “Poe at West Point,” Harpers, XXXV (November, 1867), 754”75b.

Gilder, Jeannette L., “Poe not as Black as He Was Painted,” Critic, XLII (1903), 499-503.

Gill, William F., The Life of Edgar Allan Poe, New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, 1877; London, 1878.

Greenlaw, Edwin, “Poe in the Light of Literary History,” The Johns Hopkins Alumni Magazine, XVIII (June, 1930), 273-290.

Gregory, Horace, “Within the Private View: A Note on Rereading the Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe,” Partisan Review, May-June, 1943.

Griswold, Rufus Wilmot, ed., The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe. With a Memoir by Rufus Wilmot Griswold and Notices of his Life and Genius by N. P. Willis and J. R. Lowell, New York, 1850-1856, 4 vols.

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——, “Poe's Knowledge of German,” Modern Philology, II (June, 1904), 125-140.

Gwathmey, Edward M., “Kennedy the Patron of Poe,” in John Pendleton Kennedy, New York, 1931.

Hannay, James, ed., The Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe of America. With a Notice of his Life and Genius. Second Edition. London, 1856.

Harrison, James A., ed., The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Virginia Edition. New York, 1902, 17 vols.

——, ed., Last Letters of Edgar Allan Poe to Sarah Helen Whitman, New York, 1909.

Hart, Richard H., “The Supernatural in Edgar Allan Poe,” mimeographed copy of address delivered before the Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore, January 19, 1936; in the Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore.

Haycraft, Howard, Murder for Pleasure: The Life and Times of the Detective Story, New York and London, 1941.

Hazelton, George C., The Raven; a Play in Four Acts and a Tableau, New York, 1903.

——, The Raven; the Love Story of Edgar Allan Poe, New York, 1909.

Hearn, Lafcadio, “Poe's Verse,” in Interpretations of Literature, New York, 1926, II, 150-166.

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——, and Rede, Kenneth, A Census of First Editions and Source Materials by Edgar Allan Poe in American Collections, Metuchen, New Jersey, 1932, 2 vols.

Hewitt, John H., Shadows on the Wall; or, Glimpses of the Past, Baltimore, 1877, pp. 40-43 and 154-159.

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Hosford, Frank H., “A Booth Plays Poe,” Detroit Free Press, November, 24, 1895. [page 247:]

Hughes, William L., ed., Contes inedits d’Edgar Poe traduits de Vanglais, Paris, 1862.

Hull, William Doyle, II, A Canon of the Critical Works of Edgar Allan Poe, with a Study of Poe as Editor and Reviewer, University of Virginia doctoral dissertation (unpublished).

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Hutcherson, Dudley, “Poe's Reputation in England and America, 1850-1900,” American Literature, XIV (November, 1942), 211-233.

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——, Edgar Allan Poe: His Life, Letters, and Opinions, London, 1880, 2 vols.

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Kane, Margaret, “Edgar Allan Poe and Architecture,” Sewanee Review, XL (January-March, 1932), 149-160.

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Lauvriere, Emile, The Strange Life and the Strange Loves of Edgar Allan Poe, Philadelphia, 1935.

Lawrence, D. H., Studies in Classical American Literature, New York, 1930, pp. 93-120.

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Leigh, Oliver, Edgar Allan Poe, the Man: the Master: the Martyr, Chicago, 1906.

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——, Edgar Poe et la Critique Française de 1845 a 1875, Paris, 1928.

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Lewisohn, Ludwig, Expression in America, New York, 1932, pp. 153-168.

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Mabbott, Thomas Ollive, ed., Politian: An Unfinished Tragedy, Richmond, Virginia, 1923. , ed.,

——, Merlin, Baltimore, 1827, Together with Recollections of Edgar A. Poe by Lambert A. Wilmer, New York, 1941.

——, “The First Book Publication of Poe's ‘Raven,’” Bulletin of the New York Public Library, XLVII (August, 1943), 581-584.

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——, “The Text of Poe's Play Politian,” Notes and Queries, CLXXXIX (July 14, 1945), 14.

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——, “Poe,” in The Spirit of American Literature, New York, 1913. [page 249:]

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Matthews, Brander, The Philosophy of the Short Story, New York, 1901.

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